Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fuckin Puck.

Just Fuckin. Puck. I fell in love recently. The kind of love that makes my lungs hurt.

This is my favorite 

The Grand Finale

This is finals week.

Also I was Puck. Did I tell you?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Things You Should Never Do When Sad.

1. Listen to Bon Iver, Death Cab for Cutie,Frank Sinatra, The Cranberries, The Smiths, or the Wiggles. Stupid fucking Wiggles.

2. Eat massive amounts of food/ not eat anything.

3. Look at anyone you ever thought was pretty, or smart, or funny, or fat..... just don't look at anyone.

4.  Not have cats.

5. Blog

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

And this is how the world ends.

Masquerade pics. I felt beautiful. I will share more and tell the full story later...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Reinventing Myself

strawberry blonde color
Something about this reminds me of Veronica Lake meets AdeleI need to change. I just do. First thing I need is to change my style. My hair I want to make it look like I've been having sex for 8 straight hours...because apparently I do that.

Red lip
red lip!

I Hope this will pick up my mood. Maybe with my glasses and my style it will look like Parisian Secretary gone rogue. Which is what I've always wanted to be.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Leaving my Legacy

I've been having a change come within me. I feel that something great will come out of my soul...Like a deep dark work of art will spill out of my fingers...

{Insert Clever Transition here}

I like perfume. Here are my favorites:

Dead Writers:
. This blend evokes the feeling of sitting in an old library chair paging through yellowed copies of Hemingway, Shakespeare, Fitzgerald, Poe, and more. The Dead Writers blend makes you want to put on a kettle of black tea and curl up with your favorite book.. This bottle contains black tea, vetiver, clove, musk, vanilla, heliotrope, and tobacco
Play Red - Comme des Garçons - Eau de Toilette (100 ml natural spray)
Play Red:
Red Mandarin, Safraleinem, Pink Peppercorns, Red Cherry Accord, Geranium, Cinnamon, Osmanthus, Myrrh, Balsam of Tolu.
CAKE OR DEATH Gothic Perfume Oil 10ml - ButterCream Cake & Amber
Cake or DIe:
 When you -must- have your cake or die! Decadent buttercream frosting and vanilla cake with a touch of spice over a darkened amber base
My absolute favorite:

Tea with Watson
Take a break from adventuring and stop at 221 Baker Street for awhile. White tea, delicious yellow cake, and a dash of cream caramel with a lingering background of light tobacco and bay rum. It smells just like a tea party at Holmes and Watson's flat! This is a balanced unisex fragrance inspired by the world of Sherlock Holmes

Monday, October 15, 2012

I Want You. I Want You So Bad.

Please Baby just one last kiss

Sexual Exploration 
brought to you by Hayes and Alex

EWWW GROSS MAN! I don't like ya like that.

Well just let me cradle your face in my hands

No! I'm not into you like that

C'mon baby its just on the cheek as friends.

Let's change the topic.I'm not comfortable with this anymore


May I just go on a rant about how I adore Local Natives. Favorite Band (alongside Noah and The Whale of course!) 
This music video isn't the official one...but it has Frank Sinatra in it ;)

So tonight, I am going out on a Speed dating thing. KiKi and Alex are making me go. 
 There is a Jandy's Frozen Yogurt gift card for the best dressed girl and guy. Guess what lil Miss Heather will try and win?

You know I love me some ice cream/frozen yogurt :)
Oh and I won wearing an old prom dress which I dressed down with my black blazer and black flats. I'm sorry I don't have a picture of this but here is the prom dress:

Knowing your Limits

So this is me and KiKi at the Great Gala... Ain't we hot? It was a Great Gatsby inspired party. I fell in love with the wrong book and KiKi wore the wrong shoes. I ended up leaving early due to an anxiety attack because of so many damn people. Then I drowned my sorrows in e e cummings. This has become a recurring theme.

i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite new a thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of your,
i like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz
of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh….And eyes big love-crumbs,
and possibly i like the thrill
of under me you so quite new
~e.e. cummings
I probably need to find a less erotic poet... but I love him too much. Here is a drawing that he did as well